
Contacts & Feedback, Contact forms, Newsletter, Forms, Surveys, Email

Convert Forms is a Joomla Forms Extension Builder designed for growth that's Easy and Powerful. There has never been an easier way to create leads for your marketing campaigns than Convert Forms. Design perfect converting AJAX Forms for your Joomla website which integrate with an ever-expanding list of major third-party campaign services like MailChimp, AWeber, Google Analytics, GetResponse, ActiveCampaign, Zapier, Campaign Monitor, ConvertKit, SendInBlue, HubSpot, Zoho, Salesforce, ConvertKit & AcyMailing.

Convert Forms Features

Form Builder
Our builder allows you to create beautiful and optimized forms with no knowledge of coding.

Front-end Submissions Display
Display form submissions on the front-end

Conditional Fields
Show or hide fields based on the value of another field

Field Calculations
Create forms with dynamically calculated fields to display the calculated values.

Form Fields
A wide variety of forms field inputs to your fingertips including, Textbox, Textarea, Rich Text Editor, Dropdown, Multiple-Choice, Checkbox, Number, Email Address, Password, Submit Button, Hidden Field, Date-Time, Country, Currency, Terms of Service, Confirm, Google reCAPTCHA, hCaptcha

Pre-made Forms Templates
Start in seconds with our pre-made responsive and elegant template forms.

Email Services Addons / Forms Integrations
Sync submissions with email providers like MailChimp, AWeber, GetResponse, Active Campaign, Campaign Monitor, HubSpot, ConvertKit, SendInBlue & AcyMailing

Email Notifications
Send email notifications when users submit a form.

Form Submission Actions
Choose whether to show a message or redirect the user after form submission.

The Magic of AJAX Form Submission
The form submission takes place in the background. No reloads. The user never leaves your site.

Spam Protection
Full security and spam prevention tools for your forms including honeypot, Google reCAPTCHA and hCaptcha.

Forms Submission Management
View all your form submissions in one place to streamline your workflow.

Google Analytics Tracking
Track form events with your Google Analytics account.

PHP Scripts
Developers can extend form functionality by running their own PHP Scripts on certain form events.

Import and Export Forms
Easily import and export your form from one site to another.

Highly Customizable Forms
Forms are highly customizable. Background, color, border, padding, font, fields, and more.

Easy to Embed
Easily embed your form in articles, pages, sidebar widgets, or footer using a module or a shortcode

Responsive & Mobile Friendly Forms
Convert Forms is 100% responsive meaning it works on mobiles, tablets & desktops.

Integrations Forms

Campaign Monitor
ConstantContact (Coming Soon)
Elastic Email
iContact (Coming Soon)
Zapier: Connect your Joomla Forms with 500+ Web Apps (
Zoho CRM & Zoho Campaigns
Google Analytics Tracking
CSV File: Export your leads to CSV file and use it with any 3rd party software

Form Ideas

Contact AJAX Forms
Email Subscription Forms
Redirect Form
Zapier Optin Form
Article Inline Forms
Feedback Responsive Form
Online Surveys Form
Call me back Forms
Sidebar Form
MailChimp AJAX Form
AWeber AJAX Forms
ActiveCampaign AJAX Form
ConvertKit AJAX Forms
SendInBlue AJAX Form
HubSpot AJAX Forms
AcyMailing AJAX Form
Campaign Monitor Optin AJAX Form
SalesForce AJAX Form
Constant Contact Optin Form (Coming soon)
Slack Integration Forms (Coming soon)

Upcoming Integrations

  • iContact, Constant Contact, Mautic, Slack, Sendgrid, Ontraport, SendReach, SailThru, Emma, arpReach, Mad Mimi, Infusion Soft, Klick-Tipp, Drip, Vero, Klaviyo, Slack, IFFT, 1ShoppingCart, AgileCRM

Related Tags

Joomla Forms, Joomla Form, Joomla Form Builder, Joomla AJAX Forms, AJAX Form, AJAX Contact Form, Joomla Form Maker, joomla contact form, contact forms joomla, joomla contact form module, joomla contact module forms, Joomla Form Creator, responsive contact forms joomla, contact forms, joomla contact forms free, contact form for joomla, joomla contact component, contact forms plugin, contact form, contact forms, responsive contact forms, joomla contact us form, joomla contact us, free joomla contact forms, joomla contact form extension, joomla extensions forms, joomla forms free, forms for joomla, forms in joomla, free joomla forms, free ajax form, popup contact forms, exit intent forms, mobile forms, responsive forms, MailChimp addon forms, MailChimp Integration forms, MailChimp Forms, AWeber Forms, Aweber form, MailChimp form, GetReponse form, GetResponse forms, Salesforce, captcha, reCAPTCHA, Google Captcha Antispam, honeypot, GDPR, GDPR compliant, Zapier forms

I'm a professional website designer, and I love a good form that has conditional fields. Convert Forms is one of the best form builders I've used, and its conditional fields are super easy to use. I was able to set them up in about five minutes, and I'm really happy with the results.

The form is intuitive to use, and the instructions for conditional fields are very clear. All of the forms that I've built with Convert Forms have worked perfectly, and there's no lag in speed. I love that I can make the form look any way I want.

Overall, Convert Forms is a great form builder. It's very user-friendly and allows for a lot of customization. I highly recommend It.
Ease of use
I am not a programmer or web developer, and Convert Forms was made for me. Even with my lack of technical skills, I was able to create and customize forms for my website with no problem. The process was quick and painless, and the results were impressive. I highly recommend this to others like me who have little experience with code but want to have nice-looking and functional web forms.
The support from Tassos Marinos is great. I had a question, and it was answered within hours. I would give them a 10/10 for support. It is very easy to use. I would recommend this extension.
I was happy to find that Convert Forms had so much documentation. The documentation was also quite good, so learning about the extension's functions and capabilities was easy.
I used this to: Convert Forms has been an invaluable tool for our business since we added it to our site. We appreciate the easy-to-use form builder with plenty of customizable fields and settings. But even more importantly, Convert Forms allows our customers to reach the right department for th
Excellent functionality, for a bigginer as myself, happy to reccomend.
Ease of use
Really easy to use, very simple and conviniant, happy to recommend.
Excellent - Had a minor problem, Tassos from Conver Forms helped me imediatly, greast service, thank you Tassos.
I used this to: I use this form for my website RoamingAfrica as it makes it easier for clients to contac us.
Convert Forms simplifies form creation within Joomla, so basic forms are made in minutes.
Ease of use
Yes, you can easily start creating forms with Convert Forms, even without reading the documentation.
When I had an issue with Convert Forms, Tassos was helping me out in a fast and correct way.
Documentation is good and ok for getting started with the use of Convert Forms.
I used this to: Asking informations about the activities of my community. Peolple can supply questions.

Excellent support!

Posted on 12 June 2024
Convert Forms simplifies form creation within Joomla, offering a user-friendly interface and versatile functionality to effortlessly design.
Ease of use
Convert Forms boasts intuitive design and seamless navigation, ensuring effortless form creation and management for users of all skill level
Excellent support from Tassos. His dedication and free assistance have significantly enhanced my experience.
I used this to: I use Convert Forms for crafting dynamic and responsive forms, streamlining data collection and enhancing user engagement effortlessly.

Einfach Perfekt

Posted on 11 June 2024
Funktioniert Perfekt auf allen Seiten. Leicht einzubinden mit dieversen Voreinstellungen.
Ease of use
Einfach zu Benutzen und eigentlich selbsterklärend. Jede Seite ein anderes Design möglich.
Sofortige Antwort, sehr schnell und völlig korekt. Leicht umzustzen. Auch sehr verständlich.
Leider nicht komplett in Deutsch. könnte verbessert werden, aber soweit in Ordnung.
I used this to: Eine Reiseseite mit Buchungsanfrage für verschiedene Touren mit Vorauswahl der Touren.
CovertForms (CF) can be installed quickly and without errors. You quickly familiarise yourself with it and can quickly find your way around.
Ease of use
The many possibilities that CF offers, both in terms of layout and the type and function of the fields, are exemplary.
The support from Tassos is great. He responds within a day, sometimes even hours.
The documentation is very comprehensive and uses examples to show how to create certain fields, for example.
I used this to: I use CF for our family site, which has an internal area where only registered family members have access. They have to register using a CF form, which is then sent by email.

Convert Forms

Posted on 04 June 2024
Very easy to use.
I was able to set up my forms quickly and easily.
Ease of use
Very comprehensive. Provides all the elements needed to set up forms.
I was able to set up my forms quickly and easily.
Particularly efficient, responding exactly, precisely and quickly to the problem at hand and proposing the right solution.
The documentation is rich and complete, allowing you to find answers to all your operating requirements and easily set up a form.
I used this to: I use this extension to create forms to manage training registrations and for mailings.
C'è tutto quello che serve e anche qualcosa in più. Il modulo implementato ha funzionato quasi subito.
Ease of use
Di facile uso. E' come un coltello svizzero, ci sono form per ogni tipo di esigenza
Risposte rapide e precise. Mostra in ogni suo intervento di supporto serietà e competenza
Non ho avuto modo di andare in profondità nella documentazione, ma per quello che ho avuto modo dim consultare la documentazione è buona.
I used this to: il mio sito e-commerce, per interagire con efficacia con visitatori che richiedono più informazioni, ma lo uso soprattutto per fissare appuntamenti telefonici con chi li richiede.

Sehr guter Support

Posted on 29 May 2024
Selbst die kostenlose Version ist sehr umfangreich in den Funktionen
Ease of use
Einfach zu benutzen, intuitiv bedienbar. Es gibt zudem eine Anleitung in Englisch.
Großartiger Support. Ich bekam eine schnelle Antwort und kompetente Hilfe. Es hat funktioniert!
I used this to: Joomla Webseite - Anfrageformular für mehrere Standorte. Ich konnte innerhalb eines Formulares verschiedene Empfängermails festlegen.
Having used BreezingForms for nearly 15 years I was reluctant to move to another form component. I didn't need to worry.
Ease of use
The drag and drop is fantastic. Even creating conditional fields and calculations is a dream. It is SO EASY!
Have asked Tassos a couple of newbie questions and he has replied within 48 hours. Fabulous support.
The documentation is excellent. It would be good to have some youtube videos available as well.
I used this to: ALL my sites now. I purchased an Agency Subscription which so far has been excellent value for money. I look forward to learning more complex calculations etc. WELL DONE TASSOS!
Paid download


By Tassos Marinos
Popups & iFrames
Popup and Modal Boxes that will boost your conversion rates and help you convert visitors into subscribers & customers. Create Page Load Opt-in Popup, Notification Sticky Bar, Floating Bar, Exit Intent Popup, Lightbox Popup, Slide In, Fullscreen Popup, Sidebar, Push Site Down Screen (Welcome Mat), Popup any existing module or write your own custom message. Popup and Modal can be assigned to certai...
Google Structured Data

Google Structured Data

By Tassos Marinos
SEO & Metadata
Structured Data - Schema - Rich Snippets extension which improves your site SEO and enhances the appearance of your website in Google Search results. Boost your Joomla SEO and increase search engine traffic now! Google Structured Data is an SEO Joomla extension that allows digital marketers to adopt Google Structured Data and Rich Results - Cards without requiring them to be an expert in the Sche...
Advanced Custom Fields

Advanced Custom Fields

By Tassos Marinos
Custom Fields
Extend Joomla core fields collection with advanced custom fields such as File Upload, Google Map, OpenStreetMap, Bing Maps, YouTube Video, Vimeo Video, Progress Bar, HTML 5 Video, HTML Audio, Facebook Video, Gravatar, WhatsApp, PHP and many many more. List of supported Custom Fields File Upload A Drag & Drop File Upload Field that allows you to upload any kind of files in the backend and displ...
MailChimp Auto-Subscribe
Paid download

MailChimp Auto-Subscribe

By Tassos Marinos
Mailing & Newsletter bridges
When a user registers on your website they are automatically added to your MailChimp list by this plugin silently in the background. There is an option if the Mailchimp system will send a confirmation email or not. Features ★ Automatically subscribe new users to your MailChimp list during Joomla Registration ★ Subscribe to different list per language ★ Pass any User Profile Data (ID, Nam...


By Tassos Marinos
Social Share
This plugin allows you to easily create tweetable fancy content and quotes for your blog readers. Using a simple shortcode, your selected text is highlighted and made tweetable that can be shared to Twitter with a single click! Make people tweet your content, not you! Syntax {tweetme} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod {/tweetme} The Problem It hurts...
WebHotelier Booking Form
Paid download

WebHotelier Booking Form

By Tassos Marinos
Booking & Reservations
This module helps you to integrate a WebHotelier Booking Form to your Joomla website Features Responsive Booking Form WebHotelier to Joomla! Integration Horizontal and Vertical form styling Available fields Checkin (Calendar) Checkout (Nights Selectbox/Calendar Adults (Selectbox) Children (Selectbox) Rooms (Selectbox) Booking Code (Text) Custom Text for Header and Footer DatePicker for che...
Smile Pack

Smile Pack

By Tassos Marinos
Authoring & Content
Smile Pack is an all-in-one extension that offers a rich collection of customizable modules, including Galleries, Maps, Videos, Accordions, Tabs, PayPal Buttons, Related Articles, Testimonials, Pricing Tables, and more. Each module can be used as a standard module or using shortcodes, giving you ultimate flexibility in your website design. But Smile Pack plans to go beyond just modules. It will e...
GetResponse Auto Subscribe
Paid download

GetResponse Auto Subscribe

By Tassos Marinos
Mailing & Newsletter bridges
When a user registers on your website is automatically added to your GetResponse Campaign by this plugin silently in the background. You can choose if you want to save your user's name or not. Features Auto-Subscribe users during Joomla registration Joomla to GetResponse Integration Supports new user registration through administration panel Option to wait until user has confirmed Joomla Accou...
MailChimp Convert Forms Addon
Paid download

MailChimp Convert Forms Addon

By Tassos Marinos
Mailing & Newsletter bridges
MailChimp Convert Forms Addon allows you to create MailChimp newsletter signup AJAX forms. MailChimp is the world’s largest marketing automation platform. Millions of customers, from small e-commerce shops to big online retailers, use MailChimp to reach their customers and grow their business. Features ★ AJAX Submission (No page reloads, No redirections) ★ Choose MailChimp List ★ Disabl...
PayPal - Advanced Custom Fields
Paid download

PayPal - Advanced Custom Fields

By Tassos Marinos
Custom Fields
The PayPal Field enables you to create a PayPal button Custom Field to any Joomla Component that supports the Fields Component....
Gallery - Advanced Custom Fields
Paid download

Gallery - Advanced Custom Fields

By Tassos Marinos
Custom Fields
ACF Gallery is a Joomla gallery plugin with a drag & drop builder and lightbox functionality that integrates perfectly with Joomla Custom Fields. It comes with stunning pre-built gallery layouts and a focus on performance and SEO. It is also responsive, accessibility-ready, and supports lazy loading for lightning-fast photo galleries and automatic image resizing during upload. Features overview...
Address Autocomplete - Advanced Custom Fields
Paid download

Address Autocomplete - Advanced Custom Fields

By Tassos Marinos
Custom Fields
Automatically retrieve, store and display full address details for any location on a map. Say goodbye to typos and confusion....
Campaign Monitor Convert Forms Addon
Paid download

Campaign Monitor Convert Forms Addon

By Tassos Marinos
Campaign Monitor Convert Forms Addon allows you to create Campaign Monitor newsletter signup AJAX forms...
Module Loader - Advanced Custom Fields
Paid download

Module Loader - Advanced Custom Fields

By Tassos Marinos
Custom Fields
Effortlessly embed any existing module into your content. Save time and improve consistency across your pages....
Video - Advanced Custom Fields
Paid download

Video - Advanced Custom Fields

By Tassos Marinos
Custom Fields
Embed YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, or self-hosted videos with a playback player. Start making your content more engaging....
Time Picker - Advanced Custom Fields

Time Picker - Advanced Custom Fields

By Tassos Marinos
Custom Fields
Select a time with ease via a user-friendly and fancy time picker. Perfect for scheduling appointments, meetings, and more!...
Map - Advanced Custom Fields
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Map - Advanced Custom Fields

By Tassos Marinos
Custom Fields
This custom field enables the creation of interactive maps on your website. It offers seamless integration with OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, and Bing Maps, allowing you to incorporate location-based information effortlessly. This custom field provides flexibility regarding map markers, and customization options for info windows, dimensions, and map types. With the "ACF - Map" custom field, you can...
Chained Fields - Advanced Custom Fields
Paid download

Chained Fields - Advanced Custom Fields

By Tassos Marinos
Custom Fields
The Chained Fields custom field gives you the ability to create cascading dropdown fields that dynamically change based on the previous selection and thus giving your users a better user experience....
Gravatar - Advanced Custom Fields

Gravatar - Advanced Custom Fields

By Tassos Marinos
Custom Fields
Display the avatar associated with a given email address. Add a personal touch to your user accounts with unique profile images....
FAQ - Advanced Custom Fields
Paid download

FAQ - Advanced Custom Fields

By Tassos Marinos
Custom Fields
Add a Frequently Asked Questions section to your site...
WhatsApp - Advanced Custom Fields

WhatsApp - Advanced Custom Fields

By Tassos Marinos
Custom Fields
Create a link that lets your users begin a chat without having your phone number. Convert site visitors with in minutes!...
Progress Bar - Advanced Custom Fields

Progress Bar - Advanced Custom Fields

By Tassos Marinos
Custom Fields
Enter a completion percentage in the back-end and display the respective progress bar in the front-end...
QR Code - Advanced Custom Fields

QR Code - Advanced Custom Fields

By Tassos Marinos
Custom Fields
Generate a colored QR Code to store text, link, email, telephone number and more!...
Countdown Timer - Advanced Custom Fields
Paid download

Countdown Timer - Advanced Custom Fields

By Tassos Marinos
Custom Fields
Use a countdown timer to create anticipation and scarcity around upcoming events, creating the feeling of scarcity, anticipation, and drive more sales...
Articles - Advanced Custom Fields
Paid download

Articles - Advanced Custom Fields

By Tassos Marinos
Custom Fields
Connect articles and create relationships between them. Display a list of hyperlinked items on your content....
ConvertKit for Convert Forms
Paid download

ConvertKit for Convert Forms

By Tassos Marinos
ConvertKit Convert Forms plugin allows you to easily integrate your Joomla! forms with ConvertKit. Features ★ AJAX Submission (No page reloads, No redirections) ★ Choose ConvertKit Form ★ Update existing ConvertKit users ★ Supports ConvertKit Custom Fields ★ Supports ConvertKit Tags Related Tags ConvertKit opt-in form, ConvertKit AJAX Form, Leads to ConvertKit, ConvertKit Forms, news...
ActiveCampaign Convert Forms Addon
Paid download

ActiveCampaign Convert Forms Addon

By Tassos Marinos
Mailing & Newsletter bridges
ActiveCampaign Convert Forms Addon allows you to create ActiveCampaign newsletter signup AJAX forms Convert Forms offers seamless integration with ActiveCampaign email marketing service. Connecting Convert Forms to your ActiveCampaign email list is very easy. Follow our step by step guide on how to connect Convert Forms with ActiveCampaign.
AWeber Convert Forms Addon
Paid download

AWeber Convert Forms Addon

By Tassos Marinos
Mailing & Newsletter bridges
AWeber Convert Forms Addon allows you to create AWeber newsletter signup AJAX forms. Features ★ AJAX Submission (No page reloads, No redirections) ★ Choose AWeber List ★ Update existing AWeber users ★ Sync any AWeber Custom Field ★ Sync any AWeber Tag Convert Forms offers seamless integration with AWeber email marketing service. Connecting Convert Forms to your AWeber email list i...
Facebook - Advanced Custom Fields

Facebook - Advanced Custom Fields

By Tassos Marinos
Custom Fields
The Facebook Field enables you to add a Facebook Custom Field to any Joomla Component that supports the Fields Component....
SoundCloud - Advanced Custom Fields

SoundCloud - Advanced Custom Fields

By Tassos Marinos
Custom Fields
The SoundCloud Field enables you to add a SoundCloud Custom Field to any Joomla Component that supports the Fields Component....
Bing Maps - Advanced Custom Fields

Bing Maps - Advanced Custom Fields

By Tassos Marinos
Custom Fields
The Bing Maps Field enables you to add a Bing Maps Custom Field to any Joomla Component that supports the Fields Component....
Twitter - Advanced Custom Fields

Twitter - Advanced Custom Fields

By Tassos Marinos
Custom Fields
The Twitter Field enables you to add a Twitter Custom Field to any Joomla Component that supports the Fields Component....
Vimeo - Advanced Custom Fields

Vimeo - Advanced Custom Fields

By Tassos Marinos
Custom Fields
The Vimeo Field enables you to add a Vimeo Custom Field to any Joomla Component that supports the Fields Component....
OpenStreetMap - Advanced Custom Fields

OpenStreetMap - Advanced Custom Fields

By Tassos Marinos
Custom Fields
The OpenStreetMap Field enables you to add an OpenStreetMap Custom Field to any Joomla Component that supports the Fields Component....
Google Maps - Advanced Custom Fields

Google Maps - Advanced Custom Fields

By Tassos Marinos
Custom Fields
The Google Maps Field enables you to add a Google Maps Custom Field to any Joomla Component that supports the Fields Component....
YouTube - Advanced Custom Fields

YouTube - Advanced Custom Fields

By Tassos Marinos
Custom Fields
The YouTube Field enables you to add a YouTube Custom Field to any Joomla Component that supports the Fields Component....
File Upload - Advanced Custom Fields
Paid download

File Upload - Advanced Custom Fields

By Tassos Marinos
Custom Fields
A Drag & Drop Multi File Upload Custom Field that can be used in Joomla! Articles and with any component that supports the Joomla! Fields. File Upload Features Drag & Drop Uploads Multiple Uploads Set Upload Folder per Field Limit Files Limit File Size Restrict File Types Randomize file names Front-end Layout flexibility Awesome Support Cross Browser Compatibility Mobile Support Where you...
Zapier for Convert Forms
Paid download

Zapier for Convert Forms

By Tassos Marinos
Extension Specific
Zapier Convert Forms plugin allows you to easily integrate your Joomla! forms with Zapier and connect with 1000+ apps to automate your work. What you can do with this Zapier plugin ★ Send Leads to Google Sheets Spreadsheet ★ Get notified on your smartphone of New Leads via SMS or Push Notifications ★ Auto-post to Facebook, Twitter or Google+ ★ Create events on Google Calendar ★ Sync Co...

Convert Forms

Tassos Marinos
Last updated:
May 16 2024
1 month ago
Date added:
Dec 27 2016
GPLv2 or later
Free download
c m p
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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