The extension enables to load specified modules. All of them are rendered flexibly in tabs with fading effect or Sliding effect. The animation is active upon mouseover or cursor click, depending your configuration.
* Support multi tabs,
* Animation effects in switching tabs: fading, Sliding
* Customizable themes: tabs block could be customized easily at your end.
* Display any modules in a tab.
* Height of block can be adjusted.
* Easy-to-use and friendly HTML tags alike syntax.
* Can be use anywhere, whether in content area or in module HTML code.
The extension enables to load specified modules. All of them are rendered flexibly in tabs with fading effect or Sliding effect. The animation is active upon mouseover or cursor click, depending your configuration.
* Support multi tabs,
* Animation effects in switching tabs: fading, Sliding
* Customizable themes: tabs block could be customized easily at your end.
* Display any modules in a tab.
* Height of block can be adjusted.
* Easy-to-use and friendly HTML tags alike syntax.
* Can be use anywhere, whether in content area or in module HTML code.
- Version:
- 8
- Developer:
- Nick
- Last updated:
Oct 13 2024
4 months ago - Date added:
- Nov 18 2014
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Paid download
- Includes:
- m
- Compatibility:
- J3 J4 J5