
Modules Panel

JD Accordion Module is an integration of Mootools Accordion into Joomla. IT COMES WITH EXCELLENT 3 STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM,matching your website's design. Very very handy Accordion Module, as you can choose source of content from article or from Module ID.


3 Inbuilt Styles to Choose in the Module Parameters.

Source of Content: From Module or From Article

MoseClick Effects Selection for the Accordion.

Cross Browser Support. [ Firefox 3.x, Opera 9+, IE 5.5+,Safari,Firefox MAC, Safari MAC,etc.]

W3C Valid.

No Image Editing or anything is needed, as it comes loaded with the theme images also.

Support :

We are always online on our Forums. So, if you have any problems with the module or any questions, you can directly post at our forums or submit a ticket. Also, in this release, we have given option for adding 3 accordion in total. If you want to have more than style, then just post at our forums and our developer will send you the updated Module within 24 hours.

Other Accordion extension:
OS Accordion News:
OS Accordion Slider(For joomla content and K2):
OS K2 Slider:

Great extension

Posted on 02 May 2012
At last I found it!

A simple and perfect solution to my problem.

Virtuemart accordion menu
Paid download

Virtuemart accordion menu

By Nick
VirtueMart extensions
The good addition to any e-commerce site for user this navigation... Let try to use it and tell me how is it? Advantages: * Compatibility with SH404SEF search engine optimization Paramaters: + Change speed of slide. + Change mouse over or click ot both event + Change link in parent menu or no. + Fix problem with light box, we use Mootools for accordion + Fix problem with level 3 menu items. Plea...
Paid download


By Nick
Modules Panel
The extension enables to load specified modules. All of them are rendered flexibly in tabs with fading effect or Sliding effect. The animation is active upon mouseover or cursor click, depending your configuration. Paramaters: * Support multi tabs, * Animation effects in switching tabs: fading, Sliding * Customizable themes: tabs block could be customized easily at your end. * Disp...
JD News Headlines
Paid download

JD News Headlines

By Nick
Articles Display
JD Headlines is a module allow display article's title from one or many categories, The module support a lot of animations display. Please see the backend image for more details. Same product: Accordion News at New Headlines at LadaDeal:

Jd Accordion

Last updated:
Oct 13 2024
4 months ago
Date added:
Nov 18 2014
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System