
Articles Summary, Content infos, Articles Display, Article Elements

Let your users know an estimate of how much time the are going to spend reading your article.

Reading Time Estimate

The plugin takes the article's content and shows an estimate of the time needed to read it from top to bottom.

Category Selector

Choose categories you want the plugin active in. All the articles will then include information about the reading time.

Word Counter

As an addition to the reading time estimate, you can show visitors the exact number of words.

W7 SEO Uplifter
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W7 SEO Uplifter

By W7 Extensions
SEO & Metadata
W7 SEO Uplifter W7 SEO Uplifter is a complete SEO and performance solution for your Joomla powered website. Using this component can help your search engine optimization, website ranking and overall performance. Hence bring you more customers. Page title, description, and keywords Manage page's page title, description, and keywords. We have also added support for articles, so you can set the me...
W7 WebP Images Converter
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W7 WebP Images Converter

By W7 Extensions
Improve your page-load speed Page load time is very important part of search engine optimization (SEO). Every visitor expects your website to be loaded fast. If it takes more than 3 seconds, 50% of the visitors will go away. And that’s something you have to avoid. One of the things with the biggest impact on the load time is images. W7 WebP Joomla plugin is a great solution for speeding up you...
W7 Video

W7 Video

By W7 Extensions
Multimedia Display
Impress your visitors Everyone uses images and slideshows with all kind of fancy effects. But you can do better. It has never been this easy to add YouTube video as a background of your welcome message or page intro. All you need is a few clicks. Great features This module’s administration is packed with great and useful features. Such as video overlay so your text is easy to read, allowing/di...
W7 SEO Uplifter Lite

W7 SEO Uplifter Lite

By W7 Extensions
SEO & Metadata
W7 SEO Uplifter W7 SEO Uplifter is a complete SEO and performance solution for your Joomla powered website. Using this component can help your search engine optimization, website ranking and overall performance. Hence bring you more customers. Sitemap generator Generate XML sitemaps with W7 SEO Uplifter. Since it is generated right from the selected menu, it is much faster than crawling the web...
W7 Cookies
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W7 Cookies

By W7 Extensions
Cookie Control
W7 Cookies provides a simple way to comply with GDPR requirements. Cookies Categories Set up as many categories as you want and let users decide which data they want to share with you. Customizable Consent Modal W7 Cookies comes with modern, responsive and easily customizable consent modal. Block Resources You can block external resources by it’s URL, local files and even inline scripts co...

W7 Read Time

W7 Extensions
Last updated:
Jun 08 2021
3 years ago
Date added:
Mar 02 2021
GPLv2 or later
Free download

Uses Joomla! Update System