

Weblinks is an interesting component in Joomla that exists since its early age, once being an integral part of Joomla and since a while available as separate extension. Weblinks is a nice way to collect and categorize links to anywhere in the internet. The component itself is quite comprehensive and shows a nice overview of either categories and/or a category's entries. It also provides its own module, which is quite powerful but also restricted in how it displays links. Hence, here we have Cuter Weblinks, providing an alternative module to display links.


  • Choose to display entries from one, some, or all categories.
  • Limit the number of entries to be shown.
  • Sort by order, alphabetically or publication date.
  • Decide upon which elements to show.
  • Add some prologue and/or epilogue text if desired.
  • Open links in the same or a new window/tab.
  • Always show all links or filter by current site language.
  • Links are created according to Weblink style.
The extension works fine under JOOMLa 5. However, the links are not considering language settings, neither of the links nor of the extension
Ease of use
very easy (why have I to provide at least 64 characters according to the rules here)
did not need support (why have I to provide at least 64 characters according to the rules here)
did not need documentation (why have I to provide at least 64 characters according to the rules here)
I used this to: some deep websites (why have I to provide at least 64 characters according to the rules here)
Owner's reply: Thanks for the review. If you can provide details on the language issue, I might be able to fix those. Best to open an issue over at GitHub or send me an email. Cheers, Stefan

Saved our bacon

Posted on 12 November 2023
Used to replace an outdated and similar extension not upgraded to J 4+ - does the job nicely.
Ease of use
Having used a similar app before this was very easy to use - providing access to weblinks is an important part of our site.
I used this to: It is used in an upgrade to Joomla 4.4 for an existing Joomla 3+ site
Owner's reply: Thank you.

Cuter Weblinks

Last updated:
Oct 15 2024
4 months ago
Date added:
Mar 09 2023
GPLv2 or later
Free download
J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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