
Articles Images, Image Management, Editing, Photos & Images, Multimedia Players

Quantum is a File and Media manager which can cover most of the necessities and save a lot of your time during the work with the content. It is compatible with Joomla 4 and Joomla 5 (no Backward Compatibility plugin required) and is PHP 8.2+ ready.

Key features:
★ File bulk upload
★ Create & remove folders
★ Image cropping and resizing
★ File and folder renaming
★ Scopes to group files by type
★ Adding watermark
★ Attaching Files with a custom layout
★ Automatic filename transliteration
★ Save original images
★ User Group Permissions
★ Context Menu (mouse right button click on a file/folder)

What's new
★ Joomla 5 ready. Works in native mode (no Backward Compatibility plugin required)
★ Dark template support in Joomla 5
★ PHP 8.2 ready

★ Joomla 4 ready
★ PHP 8.1 compatible
★ Front-end support
★ Hotkeys
★ Support for regular expressions in search field by name
★ JPG file can be generated from the clipboard (Cmd+V)

✔ Older:
★ jQuery removal
★ Thumbnails generation for selected images - AUTO and MANUAL
Copy/move files
★ Uploading archives (.zip, .rar and etc)
★ Integration with YOOtheme Pro and SP Page Builder
★ Display empty folders


Posted on 28 August 2024
Almost all that file manager is necessary. very much beautiful interface
Ease of use
Beyond intuitive, and beautiful is rapid with functionality seems desktop
No used due the more important functionalities of copy delete browser create to be available
I not needed because the interface is very intuitive and pratick
I used this to: To manager my blog manipulating images files downloads through ftp


Posted on 23 July 2024
Conforme à mes attentes, tout est clair et limpide. Vraiment un bon outil.
Ease of use
très facile à utiliser. L'installation ne pose aucun problème. Mise à disposition des traductions.
I used this to: Les contributeurs de contenus apportent leurs documents et images tous au même endroit.


Posted on 06 June 2024
Assolutamente completo di tutto ciò che serve per la gestione di immagini e documenti.
Ease of use
Ci vuole un po' per capirne il funzionamento, giusto poche orette per documentarsi e provare, poi il workflow diventa veloce e semplicissimo
Fatta bene ma non completissima, diverse funzioni comunque si riescono ad apprendere con l'uso
I used this to: Gestisco diversi siti di informazione e una discreta mole di immagini e documenti
Surpasses the default Media Manager with advanced sorting, filtering, and media management features. A game-changer for content organization
Ease of use
Intuitive interface with straightforward navigation. Makes media handling a breeze, even for novices. A seamless upgrade from the basic mana
Exceptional support with prompt and helpful responses. The documentation is comprehensive, guiding through every feature comprehensively.
Well-structured and detailed documentation. Provides easy-to-follow instructions and tips for maximizing the extension's potential.
I used this to: This extension has revolutionized how I manage media on my Joomla site. It's perfect for organizing large volumes of images efficiently. It has not only saved me time but also enhanced the overall aesthetics and functionality of my site. Highly recommended for any Joomla user
Well-developed functionality for working with site files. Replacing the standard manager in media fields, selecting components for which rep
Ease of use
Simply install the component and you will already have access to a new manager for your media fields in the standard content component
I used this to: I use it every time I develop a new website that requires constant work with media when creating content.

The best midia manager

Posted on 08 February 2024
Easy working with SP page builder, a lot of features. Good support.
Ease of use
Yes. I am so about it. You have to try it.
Very good experience
I used this to: I use it in my work. I am getting to change 2 on 3 in every my project
Actuellement incomptable avec la version 5 de joomla :
Import/Export qetting
Redirect Media (com_media)
Integration with SP Builder
Ease of use
Intégration front end facile - très bon gestionnaire de fichier. convivial et intuitif. possibilité de déclarer les rep ptoto, vidéo,..
I used this to: un site de test pour une copropriété, imcompatibilité J5
Package - Quantum Manager
- System - Import/Export settings for Quantum Manager
- System - Redirect Media (com_media) call to Quantum Manager
- System - Integration of Quantum Manager with SP Builder

Difficile de faire mieux

Posted on 25 August 2023
Propose tout ce qui est nécessaire, ce composant est TOP, je n'ai rien vu de mieux
Ease of use
Utilisation très facile de ce composant, devrait être la référence pour Joomla
I used this to: Gestionnaire d'images dans Joomla trés facile d'utilisation pour les Asso.
Glissé déposé des images
Choix des dossiers
Import depuis unsplash
Copie, Modification des images en direct, controle lors du téléchargement
Ease of use
une fois paramétré, facile à prendre en main par un utilisateur lambda
support via le site ou github : eugene réponds très vite et trouve des solutions pour chaque petit souci
la documentation est en anglais mais largement compréhensible.
mise à jour à chaque nouvelle fonctionnalité
I used this to: j'utilise sur beaucoup de mes sites, notamment sur ceux ou les images devront être modifiées avant ou après téléchargement.

Good Media Manager for Joomla

Posted on 15 December 2022
The media manager replaced the default solution. Gave me better control over the images management. Integration with YOOtheme is great!
Ease of use
For a novice Joomla user like me, there were no problems with installation and configuration.
I had one question for support - the answer came quickly and resolved my problem. The support was kind and helpful.
The documentation is clearly written, and this is important to me. It was helpful during the configuration process.
I used this to: My Joomla 4.x website, with an advanced business portfolio. My page has a lot of images and the possibility of using an advanced management tool, improved my workflow and saved much time. I am happy with that.
Paid download


By NorrNext
Ratings & Reviews
NorrCompetition — photo and video voting contest extension with rating and results display. Do you have a model agency, city portal, community or thematic website? NorrCompetition can be widely used on the various types of websites, drastically increasing its socialization. ✔ The main features are: ★ Several types of contests: photo, video, and simple (without any media) ★ Custom fields...
Stripe for Phoca Cart
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Stripe for Phoca Cart

By NorrNext
Phoca Cart Extensions
Using this plugin you can integrate Phoca Cart with Stripe processing center and accept payments from customers around all the world in more than 100+ currencies. Stripe accepts all major cards including VISA, Master Card, American Express, Dinners Club. 3D Secure is supported. All payments are secure and PCI-DSS compliance. This version allows to include external payment methods. All payments are...
Social Share for ZOO
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Social Share for ZOO

By NorrNext
Zoo extensions
Social Share for ZOO - a new element for Joomla! CCK that displays buttons to share posts in popular social networks that will help to increase site's popularity and attract more visitors. This element is GDPR ready. Social Share for ZOO is a easy-to-use and light-weight element that displays buttons with nice and responsive design that fits into the most of modern Joomla templates. A share techn...
QuickPay for Phoca Cart
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QuickPay for Phoca Cart

By NorrNext
Phoca Cart Extensions
Using this plugin you can integrate Phoca Cart with QuickPay and start accepting payments through your e-commerce site. QuickPay is a payment gateway providing services to Northern Europe and the rest of EU. This payment gateway allows accepting payments using 3rd party providers. A list of payment methods accepted in QuickPay: - Major cards: VISA, Mastercard, Maestro, JCB, American Express, Din...
NorrCompetition Application for EasySocial
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NorrCompetition Application for EasySocial

By NorrNext
EasySocial extensions
The plugin creates events in EasySocial activity stream on specific actions of the NorrCompetition - a voting contest extension for Joomla....
Open Graph for ZOO
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Open Graph for ZOO

By NorrNext
Zoo extensions
Using this add-on you can implement Open Graph tags into ZOO content to make pages friendly to social networks, as a result when you post a link to the page in Facebook or Twitter, you’ll get rich object with image and other data. The package includes ZOO element and Joomla system plugin. You can configure default settings and set them up manually in element when edit ZOO article. Open Graph fo...
Stripe Checkout for Phoca Cart
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Stripe Checkout for Phoca Cart

By NorrNext
Phoca Cart Extensions
Stripe payment plugin for Phoca Cart. Secure and PCI-DSS compliant, Dynamic 3D Secure, supports Apple Pay, Bancontact, EPS, giropay, iDEAL, Sofort, Alipay, Przelewy24 and other payment methods. The checkout is being processed on Stripe side and then user returns back to the site. This plugin is native for Joomla 5....
Stripe Checkout Pro for VirtueMart
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Stripe Checkout Pro for VirtueMart

By NorrNext
VirtueMart extensions
Stripe Checkout plugin for VirtueMart 4 allows you to accept payments with the Stripe payment gateway using Checkout method. You can quickly start accepting payments on a pre-built, Stripe-hosted form that is SCA-ready and supports 3D Secure 2 authentication. This makes accepting credit card payments easier than ever with very little setup and effort. This product is compatible with VirtueMart 4....
NorrCompetition Grid
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NorrCompetition Grid

By NorrNext
Ratings & Reviews
A grid module for NorrCompetition allows filtering entries by contests via slight grid effect. The module has a lot of settings and it is easy to configure which elements should be displayed. Also, there is "Load more" navigation element and different sorting features. NorrCompetition Grid is a module for NorrCompetition sorting entries from selected contests with smooth grid effect. Users can fi...
AUP for NorrCompetition
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AUP for NorrCompetition

By NorrNext
AltaUserPoints extensions
This package can be used to assign AltaUserPoints / AlphaUserPoints points to users for actions they perform in NorrCompetition. This opens powerful capabilities to set up the rules according to your requirements and use the power of the points system. Users can earn or spend points for actions they performing within the voting contest, get a payout for earned points, get e-commerce items and more...
Authorize.Net for Phoca Cart
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Authorize.Net for Phoca Cart

By NorrNext
Phoca Cart Extensions
This payment plugin for Phoca Cart allows you to accept credit cards and deposit funds automatically via Authorize.Net Payment Gateway. All major credit cards are supported: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, JCB and Diner's Club. The payment gateway is PCI DSS compliance and protecting your customers' confidential information. The plugin is native written for Joomla 4/5 architecture a...
NorrCompetition Application for JomSocial
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NorrCompetition Application for JomSocial

By NorrNext
JomSocial Extensions
This product provides integration of NorrCompetition with JomSocial. The actions that users perform in the contests are displayed in the activity stream and submitted contest entries are displayed in the user’s profile. It greatly increases auditoria’s interest in contests and helps with the promotion. The product comes as JomSocial Application and the plugin....
Stripe Pro for VirtueMart
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Stripe Pro for VirtueMart

By NorrNext
VirtueMart extensions
A payment plugin for VirtueMart 4 allowing to accept payments made through Stripe payment gateway. Supports of debit/credit cards, SCA-ready and 3D Secure 2 authentication. You can enable additional payment methods to accept payments: Klarna, Sofort, iDEAL, giropay, Bancontact, EPS, Google Pay, Apple Pay and etc. This product is compatible with VirtueMart 4.2+, Joomla 5, Joomla 4, Joomla 3, and...
NorrCompetition Image Moderation
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NorrCompetition Image Moderation

By NorrNext
Photos & Images
This plugin for NorrCompetition provides deep Image Analysis using benefits of SightEngine prevents users to upload images that does not correspond ethical values and may violate site's Terms of Use. Nudity Detection Weapons, Alchochol & Drugs Offensive Graphic Violence & Gore Text Moderation in Images Embedded Text & Watermarks QR Code Moderation Tobacco Products AI-Generated Images Minors (chi...
Mollie for Phoca Cart
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Mollie for Phoca Cart

By NorrNext
Phoca Cart Extensions
With this Mollie payment plugin, you can receive payments through various methods supported by the Mollie platform on your Phoca Cart online store. Key features of this solution: - Phoca Cart 4.+ and Phoca Cart 5.+ ready - Joomla 4+ and Joomla 5+ native plugin (no Backward compatibility plugin needed) - PHP 8.2+ ready - Support of Joomla Update System (ability to update extension in few clicks th...
Calendar Filter
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Calendar Filter

By NorrNext
Articles Display
Filter your Joomla articles using two modes: a visually appealing calendar with daily selection or a list of months for sorting by month. This functionality is useful for magazines, blogs, or any website with extensive content. The module includes multiple built-in themes, such as a universal calendar theme and Bootstrap 5 and UIkit list layouts....
Mollie for VirtueMart
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Mollie for VirtueMart

By NorrNext
VirtueMart extensions
With this Mollie payment plugin, you can accept payments through a wide range of methods supported by the Mollie platform on your VirtueMart online store. Key features of this solution: - Native support of Joomla 5+ (no Backward Compatibility Plugin required), Joomla 4 and even Joomla 3 (special version) - Fully compatible with VirtueMart 4.x+ - Ready for PHP 8.2+ - Integrated with Joomla Updat...

Quantum Manager

Last updated:
Feb 11 2025
1 week ago
Date added:
Jul 28 2019
GPLv2 or later
Free download
c p
J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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