
Contact Details, Custom fields

With this plugin you can insert contact details of one or more contacts directly into the content of an article or module. It also offers the possibility to create predefined HTML templates. The plug-in supports not only the system fields but also the custom fields.

Mit diesem Plugin können Sie die Kontaktdaten eines oder mehrerer Kontakte direkt in den Inhalt eines Artikels oder Moduls einfügen. Zudem lassen sich mehrere Kontakte in Form einer Liste ausgeben, die mit verschiedenen Templates selber definiert werden kann. Das Plug-In unterstützt neben den Systemfeldern auch eigene Felder.

It worked exactly as outlined on the developers website. You can add simply data from the contacts fields and contact custom fields.
Ease of use
If you know the basics of css/html it is easy to create a complex template to display dynamic Contact information throughout your site.
I haven't needed any, so I have no idea - it simply worked out of the box. Both the basic insertion and use of templates is fairly simple.
The documation on the website and within the plugin was all I needed to accomplish what I needed to do.
I used this to: Adding nice, consistant data including custom fields from the Joomla core contacts component in other areas of my site from within the editor button.
This plugin does exactly what it says and is very useful for displaying Joomla contact fields.
Ease of use
The extension was easy to install and use. Just had to remember to enable the plugin!
I did not need this so far, because the instructions were clear.
The explanation and examples were very clear. It's a simple plugin so not difficult to use.
I used this to: I have the contact information for each of our chapters saved as Joomla contacts and will use this to display this contact information when users select the reports on the activities of these chapters.


Alexander Niklaus
Last updated:
May 31 2024
8 months ago
Date added:
Jul 12 2017
GPLv2 or later
Free download
c p
J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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