eBay store
New version 3.5.
If you have a store on eBay, you can use this html widget on your joomla website.
Just select some parameters to match your needs and your listing will be automatically displayed in the module, in a river news style.
- new panel format, responsive.
- Widgets can be geo targeted: if your store sell items in several countries, you can filter widgets by country and language. Example: you can generate a widget in french language with items sold in France, even if your store is located elsewhere.
- Multiple versions of the widget can be done on the same pages.
- Efficient and designed social sharing for facebook. Let your users publish your auction on facebook, or do it yourself on your own wall.
- Widget updates automatically in real time: what your users see is what you sell in real time.
- Asynchronous call: your page loads always first.
- All parsing and code running on our server: your server stays free of surcharge. - We take care.
- Widget call by javascript: validated code by W3C
- Cachable in the parameter module
- compatible with mobile