
Category Discount For Virtuemart
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Category Discount For Virtuemart

By virtuemart australia
VirtueMart extensions
Do you want to offer customers discount for each product if his cart has multiple products in the same category, if so, you definitely need this!! Either of the below: 1.Buy N+ products in the same category, give M fixed discount for total bill. 2. Buy N+ products in the same category, give M fixed discount to each of these products. 3.Buy N+ products in the same category, give M percent discou...
Firebase Link - Users
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Firebase Link - Users

By ZOOModsPlus
Miscellaneous Bridges
This plugin will sync your Joomla Users to the Firebase Authentication System....
Lab5 - jPowerTools

Lab5 - jPowerTools

By Lab5
Site Management
This plugin is a bundle of extremely usefull functions and tools, that you typically need on EVERY Joomla! website. Definitely makes your work with Jooma! much easier. jPowerTools is like a swiss army knife: Neat and handy! Maybe one of the most useful extensions or Joomla! Maybe. You decide. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// This Tools can: Übercompressors : - Minify...


By ChatSupport
ChatSupport is a powerful live chat software solution that can be easily added to your Joomla website within minutes. ChatSupport enables you to engage your website visitors through an easy-to-use dedicated dashboard. Offer real-time support and increase sales by answering questions and resolving problems instantly. Customers want to talk to you - make it easy with ChatSupport. ChatSupport ben...
Articles for EasySocial

Articles for EasySocial

By stackideas
EasySocial extensions
This is a Joomla! article plugin which displays author information at the bottom of an article. It also enhances the articles by adding a comment form on normal Joomla articles....
Firebase Link - Content
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Firebase Link - Content

By ZOOModsPlus
Miscellaneous Bridges
This plugin will save your Joomla content to the firebase database in real time. Making it the perfect way to use Joomla as the content manager of your mobile app. NOW INCLUDES FIRESTORE LINK...
JMG Article Slider

JMG Article Slider

Article Preview
This free module shows your Joomla! articles as sliders....
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By Logical-Arts
Access & Security
Joomla >= 4 only Backdoor is the Joomla 4/5 kompatible Version of the famous AdminExile plugin from Michael Richey (RicheyWeb). Backdoor protects your backend / administration part of your site by using URL access keys (query parameters). So, attempts to access the administrator login page will be met with either a redirect to your homepage, a 404 error, or a redirect somewhere else. This is e....
SobiPro Statistics: Content Statistics for SobiPro
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SobiPro Statistics: Content Statistics for SobiPro

By JoomlaThat!
Content Statistics extensions
SobiPro Statistics with any TIMEFRAME. Go beyond the simple "number of hits" feature and add a time variable to your reports and lists. You can make statistics on anything on your SobiPro site. Top viewed/reviews/favoured listings, listing rankings, categories, owners... Complete user activity log streams for admins to know everything: WHO did WHAT and WHEN on SobiPro Make rankings of: -Top view...
BIT Virtuemart Most Popular
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BIT Virtuemart Most Popular

By Barg-IT
VirtueMart extensions
Need an overview of the most popular products of your online shop at a glance? BIT Virtuemart Most Popular lists the best selling/most viewed products in Joomla's control panel. The module - counts the views/clicks of your products - counts the sales of your prdoucts - lists the conversion rates of your prdoucts - handles products with variants (child products) - lists the most...
Web Site Tour Builder for AdsManager
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Web Site Tour Builder for AdsManager

By JoomlaForce Team
AdsManager extensions
Web Site Tour Builder for Joomla is a powerfull Tour Module, which can be used as a site tour, helpers, guides or tooltips. Use the Web Site Tour module for your website, products, applications, landing pages or something else. DESCRIPTION The module is very easy to use and allow you to create a very cool tour in simple dinamics steps. Web Site Tour Builder gives you the ability to create amazin...


By Istopan
Version 1.1 *Fixed jfolder error *Greek language added *Option Jquery noconflict added Responsive Jquery Image slider / slideshow Light and fast. Options. Display Pagination Module width Image width - height Thumbnails width - height Autoplay Navigation Speed Transition speed Controls Text for navigation and more......
Reset Countdown
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Reset Countdown

By Roland Meier
Database Management
With the Reset Countdown & Reset Countdown Admin modules you can display a countdown to every full hour or rest of the current day. So you are able to offer a Joomla Demo Site showing a countdown until next reset....
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By Nick
Modules Panel
The extension enables to load specified modules. All of them are rendered flexibly in tabs with fading effect or Sliding effect. The animation is active upon mouseover or cursor click, depending your configuration. Paramaters: * Support multi tabs, * Animation effects in switching tabs: fading, Sliding * Customizable themes: tabs block could be customized easily at your end. * Disp...
AM Quick Sale

AM Quick Sale

By ArenaM
Shopping Cart
You need to quickly and urgently sell a product on your website and spend a minimum of your time. Try our free shop. All that is required from you is to fill in your individual data or the data of your store and create products. And on the same day you can invite your customers. AM Quick Sale is a complete set that allows you to deploy a real online store on your Joomla site. And selling directly...
Geek Image Annotation
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Geek Image Annotation

By JoomlaGeek
A Joomla module allows you to add unlimited annotations to specific areas that you want to point out on your image, to make the image more informative. Web designers can use informative images to model new apps, softwares, games, or many other products! Easy to manage annotations with Drag & Drop function The Drag & Drop feature enables you to easily add annotation to any position of your image....
JLex Attachments
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JLex Attachments

By JLexArt
JLex Attachments extension for Joomla! Allows files to be uploaded and attached to articles. JLex Attachments includes the ability to attach files and edit attachments from the admin section. Highlight features: - Unlimited attachments - Show file upload progress - Direct integration in the article editing form - Restrict file download permissions for guests (Login required) - Set the file types...
ARI Social Harvester
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ARI Social Harvester

Social Display
"ARI Social Harvester" extension is a responsive and mobile friendly extension which helps to show data from different social networks. Data can be shown in as a social stream or a wall. Main features Possible to show data from different social networks: Delicious, devianART, Dribbble, Facebook, Flickr, Google+, Instagram, Last FM, Pinterest, RSS, StumbleUpon, Twitter, Tumblr, Vimeo, YouTube; T...