
Social Web, Social Share

Joomla Facebook LIKES Master Module

No other Joomla Module will get you more likes for you facebook fan page or application than Facebook Likes Master. The module backend is very easy to use and comes with label instructions, with it's outstanding display options, it will surely be your facebook fan page best friend taking your joomla website to the next viral level. Use and abuse this module facebook send button, recommend or like, show faces, change font style, change button layout, etc. Get it now and hire a little FB worker for your joomla installation.

The FB worker for any joomla installation.

This Joomla Module was tested with the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox and IE. Working flawless with all. Also since we are linux developers and are nuts about error logging... this module works flawless without any php errors.

Module BackEnd and other Options:
take your joomla website to the next FB viral level
Double Punch Action added from version 2.6.2 up, select likes or recommends from:
Your FB Fan Page (likes, shares and send button count to total likes of your FB fan page); Your Individual Website Pages (likes, shares and send button count to each individual page of your website, same as in Twitter)
FB Fan Page or Application Address: Insert your FB Address link
FB Application ID number: your FB application id number
Send Button: Yes / No
Select Layout: Standard / Button Count / Box Count
Plugin Width: Plugin Width
Show Faces: Yes / No
Verb to Display: Like / Recommend
Color Scheme: Light / Dark
Font to Display: Arial / Lucida Grande / Segoe UI / Tahoma / Trebuchet MS / Verdana
Module Class Suffix: Module Class Suffix
Caching: Yes / No

  • New FB API
  • Faster Html5 code
  • Double Punch Action added from version 2.6.2 up, select likes or recommends from: Your FB Fan Page (likes, shares and send button count to total likes of your FB fan page); Your Individual Website Pages (likes, shares and send button count to each individual page of your website, same as in Twitter);
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Facebook Likes Master

Last updated:
Nov 29 2018
5 years ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
Paid download

Uses Joomla! Update System